"Then he said to them all: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and
follow me." - Luke 9:23
We do our best to live this every day. It is the thesis
of Christianity and our show.
Join the Wildman & Steve 9:23 family!
Will you give $9.23 per month for the next 6 months?
That's all it takes for us to handle expenses for the second half of the year.
You aren't just supporting a podcast- but a ministry that connects fans and artists with Jesus. When God opened this door in 2019 we had no idea we would surpass 100 episodes and over 20,000 downloads.
A commitment for six months will also receive a Wildman & Steve hat!
All Donations Are Tax Deductible- The Wildman & Steve Show- A Division of Of The Word Ministries INC.
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Thank you so much! Whether you support us through prayer, through sharing our podcasts with others, or through a financial donation, we thank you. These podcasts are our way of sharing the Gospel of Jesus and helping people grow in their faith. However you support us, know that you are part of that work, and we are grateful.