Jan 7, 2023What The Dr. Ordered- Prescription #1Prescriptions Based On The Gospel of Dr. Luke. Prescription #1 - January 2023 Honor Those Who Have Gone Before You Inasmuch as many have...
Jan 7, 2023 What's All The Fuzz About? Daniel Bautista- Issue #2- January 7, 2023 Recently I was able to catch up with Daniel Bautista- and believe me "Catch Up" is the right...
Jan 5, 2023Chaotic Resemblance (Part 2)- Episode 136Finding places to perform is a small challenge (especially coming out of the past 2 years). The Lord is faithful, and allows placement...
Dec 27, 2022Episode 135- Chaotic Resemblance (Part 1)Opening MRGA (MAKE ROCK GREAT AGAIN!!!!) Campaign: Put hard rock and heavy metal in every home. Everyone is entitled to good MUSIC! We...
Dec 21, 2022Episode #134- Killian Pt 2by Mr. Summary Marc has a supportive wife who is a consumer of good music. His daughter is very wise (Mr Summary can identify). What...
Nov 29, 2022Episode # 133- Mr. SummaryKillian: 11/25/22 Great to hear from Marc Killian - Born to a music-based family. - His family has country roots - Amazing song played at...
Nov 29, 2022Angels RisingL to R: Tjaard Walstra (bass), Rudie Kingma (drums), Harold de Vries (vocals/guitar), Maurice Gijsman (guitar) You wouldn't expect a...