The Brave (pt 1)
How should you open a show? Should you open a show? Should the musical guest “just start”?
Mr. Summary’s Ranking: 11 out of 10
Ladies and Gentlemen (and all other listeners) THE BRAVE
Stayce – Lead Vocals and Guitar
Johnny – Drummer (he gets a show first !!)
Malcolm – Bass (MVP {at least he says so)
Why is the bass player critical?
RIP Michael Bloodgood
’91 begins our heroes journey
John Elefante mentions exist!!
How does John impact this group?
How does he impact anyone in Christian music for that matter ?
We get a really good sampling of The Brave’s music (dish yourself up a good portion)
** Memory Lane Warning ** -- Troubadour story (with a small mention of the Grand Ole Opry)
Hollywood in interesting. The hype of what you’re thinking isn’t what you think. Being armed with the armor of GOD helps the journey.
The journey was a great journey, as they were approacha
ble, yet felt protected.
< Hiatus Update > The band pushes the pause button … several players in different parts of the country and ……………....
The song “Come to Me” that plays us out of the first part is really impactful … sit back and listen …
Make sure you are following THE BRAVE @thebraverocks92 on Twitter.
Stay Tuned For Part 2!!! This is going to be good .. I can tell...
- Mr. Summary